Y-Dance Winter 2025 Registration HERE
Y-Dance Winter 2025 Registration HERE 〰️
Click on the scrolling banner to register for Y-Dance!
Y-Dance Classes
Classes for Youth, Teens, and Adults
Winter (15 weeks of instruction) -
January 8: Registration Due
January 13-16: Y-Dance Show Costume and Measuring, Sizing, Payment/Dancewear Ordering
January 20- May 8:Instructional Classes [no classes January 20 due to MLK, classes will be rescheduled)
TBD: Spring Break/No Classes
May 3: Show Photo Session
May 9 & May 10: Y-Dance Dress Rehearsal and Shows (see information below)
The Y-Dance program offers classes for youth, teens, and adults. Whether the goal is to dance at a recreational level “just for fun”, or for those who foresee themselves on competitive dance teams, in musical theatre, undertaking auditions, or who want to take dance to a higher level, Y-Dance has something for everyone.
Our philosophy is:
To provide an atmosphere of discipline and structure
To make each dancer feel loved, valued, and empowered
To be a fun, enjoyable, and learning experience
To enhance dancers’ coordination, dance, creativity, technique, and memory skills
Superstars : Ages 5+
Pre-Fusion : Age 3
Fusion : Pre-K (age 4) through Adult, Offered by Divisions and Levels**
Leaps and Turns* : Grades 6 through 12, Offered by Divisions and Levels
Ballet : Grades 6 through 12, Offered by Levels
Hip Hop : Grades 1 through 12, Offered by Divisions
Tap : Grades K through 12 + Adult, Offered by Levels + Open Class
Ballroom : Adult, Open Class
*To enroll in a Leaps and Turns class, a Fusion and/or Ballet class is prerequisite. This allows for the fundamentals to be learned in conjunction with leaps and turns.
**Enrollment in a Fusion Class is required for enrollment in Leaps and Turns and/or Ballet classes.
***Enrollment in a Level 4 Fusion Class requires enrollment in Leaps/Turns and Ballet as well.
• Divisions signify grade/maturity.
• Levels allow for abilities.
• For most classes, minimum enrollment is four students.
• Some classes may cap enrollment based on teacher and room space.
• All classes are held at the YWCA, 605 N. 6th Street, Lafayette.
• Registration is due by January 8 at 11:00 PM. Registration online on the scrolling banner above.
• Returning dancers from Fall 2024 sessions may register beginning December 11.
• General Public may register beginning December 16.
• There is an annual $25 Registration Fee.
• We recommend Level 1 for dancers new to the Y-Dance program.
Our Y-Dance Show (recital) will be held Saturday, May 10 at 1:00pm and 6:00pm.
Dress Rehearsal will be held Friday, May 9.
We measure for costumes during your class day and time January 13-16. There is no charge for this class.
A show packet with ALL important information is published online after spring break.
Pictures will be taken Saturday, May 3. Times TBD by class.
Class Descriptions
Click on the plus sign for more information on each class.
Ages 5 and Older
Superstars dance class was created for children, adolescents, and adults with special needs. This fun and energetic 45 minute class consists of basic movement skills, rhythm exercises, and creative and interpretive movement using music and props. Superstars dance class benefits dancers by enhancing his/her social skills, focus, listening skills, body awareness, and proprioception. The class is for ages 5 and older . The class size will be limited to 12 dancers per class. Proper dance apparel is required. Please be aware when considering if this program is a good fit for your dancer that the dance studio environment will be one with occasional loud noises, bright colors, and a variety of stimuli. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Age 3
Our 45 minute Pre-Fusion Class for 3-year-olds is designed to prepare students to learn as 4 year olds. The curriculum is structured to encourage locomotor and non-locomotor movement, body awareness, coordination, creative/interpretive movement, and listening skills. These goals will be achieved through stories, songs, minimal props, and repetition at a comfortable pace. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Offered by Divisions and Levels**
Pre-K (age 4 - Kindergarten)
Our one hour Pre-K Classes teach movement and motor skills, basic ballet technique, rhythm and coordination skills, and creative movement. Age-appropriate music and props are utilized to make these delightfully fun classes. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Kindergarten - Adult
Our one hour Fusion Classes (ballet and jazz “fused” together) are the core of Y-Dance and the recommendation if an overall experience is desired. Within this class, fundamentals of ballet and jazz are learned. They are divided by Divisions and by Levels (1, 1+, 2, 3, 4). Levels are determined by Y-Dance Teachers. These classes focus on barre/ballet skills and center floor technique (leaps and turns). A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Grades 6 through 12
Offered by Divisions and Levels
**To enroll in a Leaps and Turns class, a students must have completed either a Fusion and/or Ballet class. A pre-assessment by Mrs. Christiansen may be substituted for the prerequisite class. This allows for the fundamentals to be learned in conjunction with leaps and turns.
Our one hour Leaps and Turns classes are an enrichment of our core Fusion and Ballet Classes and are offered to dancers who want to focus and excel beyond a “recreational level”. This is strictly a technique class to learn and improve leaps and turns; thus fusion or ballet is necessary to focus on the fundamentals of turn-out, core, lift, etc. Our Leaps and Turns classes are separated by Divisions and Levels. This class is required for any dancer in Fusion Level 4.
Grades 6 through 12
Offered by Levels
Our one hour Ballet classes are intended to enhance our core Fusion Classes. Ballet is the foundation for many genres of dance (as well as leaps and turns) AND helps strengthen muscles, improves body control, teaches dancers fluidity of movement, and focuses on turn-out. Ballet provides the mental and body discipline as well as the muscle memory to create better dancers. The class is comprised of barre, center floor technique training. Our Ballet classes are separated by Levels only (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6). They do not necessarily reflect the same level as Fusion or Leaps and Turns. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Grades 1 through 12
Offered by Divisions
This one hour class focuses on hip hop choreography and various Hip Hop techniques. Students will be taught rhythm and how to apply it to their dancing. Hip Hop is divided by Divisions. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
Grades K through 12, Adult
Offered by Levels
Our 45 minute Tap class focuses on tap technique and rhythm. These classes are divided by Levels, while still keeping age and maturity in mind. Levels are determined by the Y-Dance teacher. A routine will be taught for the May 10th Y-Dance Show.
*Adult Tap is a drop-in based class. Dreaming of learning the basics of tap but not the weekly commitment, this option may best fit you! Email Mrs. Christiansen, hchristiansen@ywcalafayette.org, if interested in our Adult drop-in class. $10/weekly class
Our one hour class focuses on ballroom choreography and various ballroom techniques. Students will be taught rhythm and how to apply it to their dancing. Sign up for a 4-week session or the 12-week semester to learn various styles like Waltz, Swing, and/or Salsa.
Additional Information
Levels (Determined by abilities)
Level 1 – For new and returning students. Objectives: to introduce body awareness, control, and turn out (fusion); development of age-appropriate technical skills; development of comprehension in instruction; development of memorization in learning combinations and routines.
Level 1+ –For returning students who have advanced past Level 1, but are not quite ready for Level 2.
Level 2 – For returning students by teacher recommendation. Objectives: understanding of body awareness, control, and turn out (fusion); mastery of Level 1, with additional age-appropriate, technical skills; efficient comprehension in instruction; efficient in memorization of combinations and routines; greater efficiency in memorization; and development of stage presence and presentation skills.
Level 3 – For returning students by teacher invitation. Objectives: mastery of Level 1 and 2 skills; understanding and introduction to more difficult technical skills. Quick comprehension in instruction and in memorization of combinations and routines. Further development of stage presence and presentation skills.
Level 4 - 6 – For returning students by teacher invitations. Objectives: Mastery of all technical skills, comprehension, and stage presence.
Y-Dance Class Schedule Winter 2025 : COMING SOON
January 8: Registration Due
January 13-16: Y-Dance Show Costume and Measuring, Sizing, Payment/Dancewear Ordering
January 20- May 8: Instructional Classes [no classes January 20 due to MLK, classes will be rescheduled)
TBD: Spring Break/No Classes
May 3: Show Photo Session
May 9 & May 10: Y-Dance Dress Rehearsal and Shows (see information below)
Registration Fee
*Registration is due by January 8.
*There is a $25 annual registration fee for each dancer.
*If a cancellation is requested, the registration fee and 25% of the class cost is nonrefundable.
1-Hour Classes (15 weeks) $195
Fusion, Ballet, Leaps & Turns, Hip HopBallroom (12 weeks) $55/ 4-week session, $156 discounted rate, if you register for all 3 sessions)
45 Minute Classes (15 weeks) $140
Pre-Fusion, Tap, SuperstarsThe Fusion Experience (15 weeks) $495
To encourage dancers who want to focus on dance and excel beyond the recreational level we offer the following if the same dancer enrolls in all three of the following hour classes:
o Fusion Class
o Leaps and Turns Class
o Ballet Technique Class
As The Fusion Experience is already discounted, other discounts do not apply. Options are listed on the class schedule.Discounts
There is a 10% discount for dancers enrolled in more than one class, (with the exception of The Fusion Experience which is already discounted).
There is a $20 discount for multiple children living in the same household taking Y-Dance.
Need financial assistance for your dance enrollment fees? If you do need financial assistance, our scholarship program can help. We have generous scholarships available. Please utilize this service. Email Mrs. Christiansen at hchristiansen@ywcalafayette.org to request a scholarship application or find the fillable document here. We encourage you to see if you are eligible.
Payment Plan
A payment plan has been put into place to allow families to participate in Y-Dance without the financial strain it may cause to pay in full for all desired classes at once. For those who desire to take advantage of our payment plan, we require all payments after initial payment are required to be set up on autopay by debit or credit card. The auto pay will be processed on the 4th of each month.
Inclement Weather
Dance classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather. No refunds will be given for classes cancelled due to conditions out of our control, but Y-Dance will always try to schedule a make-up classes. Many times the roads are cleared off by mid-afternoon, Y-Dance classes will always TRY to be held even though schools may be closed. Please check the following for Y-Dance cancellations: Your Email, YWCA Website, or YWCA Y-Dance Facebook.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
The YWCA reserves the right to cancel classes or programs due to insufficient enrollment. You will be notified of a cancellation and receive a full refund or credit voucher, when applicable, of paid fees. Refunds will not be given for classes dropped by participant/guardian once spot is reserved. Any person on a payment plan will still be required to complete all payments.
• Y-Dance implements a dress policy to better aid our dancers in proper posture, center, turn out, technique, leg and foot placement, etc.
• For your convenience we carry black dance shorts, skin-colored tights, and required canvas Twyla shoes.
• Sample sizes for these items are available to try on during the first week of class and during our open house.
• Orders are placed and payment is needed AT THAT TIME.
Pre Fusion (Age 3) and Fusion Pre-K (Age 4 to Kindergarten)
• A leotard/skirt combination that comes attached (can be found at Target or Wal-Mart)
• Form-fitting tank for boys (no athletic T’s) and comfortable activewear shorts for boys
• Ballet shoes with elastic over the top (may be purchased at Target or Walmart)
• Tights (optional)
• Hair securely pulled back out of faceFusion (Kindergarten through 12), Ballet, Superstars, Leaps and Turns
• Form-fitting cami top for girls and form-fitting tank for boys. (no athletic T’s
• Black dance shorts or black leggings for girls (shorts may be ordered through Y-Dance)
• Longer shorts for boys
• Optional tights to match skin tone (may be ordered through Y-Dance)
• Canvas Twyla shoes (may be ordered through Y-Dance)
• Hair securely pulled back out of faceHip Hop (Grade 1 through 12)
• T-shirt or long-sleeved shirt
• Any pants (IE sweats, leggings, joggers, etc.)
• Any type of gym shoe (lightweight/low-topped recommended)
• Hair securely pulled back out of faceTap (Kindergarten through 12)
• Same as Fusion
• Tap shoes
• Hair securely pulled back out of faceAdult Classes (Fusion, Tap, Ballroom)
• Fusion and Tap - comfortable activewear, Canvas Twyla shoes for Fusion, Tap shoes for Tap
• Ballroom - Casual, Casual Date Night Attire, comfortable dress shoes, tennis shoes, dance shoes. No flip flops or slides.