YWCA Foundation

Board of Directors

Hilary Butler

Wilber Alberto

Rachel Cheeseman

Morgan Bonifazi
Laura Hess
Jeff Love
Linda Sorensen
Elizabeth Thompson
Sally Watlington

Nate Dunbar (ex officio)

Lindsey Mickler (ex officio)

The YWCA Foundation of Greater Lafayette, Inc. is a non-profit corporate body that exists to build the endowment funds and provide for large capital expenditures thus ensuring the long-term viability and sustainability of the YWCA Association. As a steward of contributions, the YWCA Foundation carefully manages its assets, assuring that expenditures further the wishes of Foundation donors.

The YWCA Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity that enables people to establish charitable funds, generally in the form of named endowments of to donate into existing established funds. Our invested funds are managed through the Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette.

The YWCA Foundation was incorporated in 1969 and received its first gift. It purchased the property at 605 N. Sixth Street where the current YWCA now stands. Since 1992, the YWCA Foundation contributions to the YWCA Association exceed $2,500,000.

How To Donate

A fund can be created in honor of a loved one, to celebrate a special event, or for any number of other reasons. Assets donated to the YWCA Foundation create either restricted or unrestricted funds to support the donor’s charitable wishes. When a fund is established, the donor can specify restricted uses for her/his fund, or the board can be given discretion to use the earnings wherever the needs are greatest.

Cash, credit card or stock transfer are ways to make a gift to the YWCA Foundation. A gift may be made in honor of or in memory of a special person. Larger gifts can be used to start a fund or to add to an already-existing fund. You may also name the YWCA Foundation of Greater Lafayette, Inc. in your will.

$10,000 paid over three years will establish a named fund. Sharing your wishes with the YWCA Foundation will ensure the gifts meets your wishes. If you would like more information about the YWCA Foundation, please contact Hilary Butler, President, YWCA Foundation of Greater Lafayette, Inc., by email at foundation@ywcalafayette.org, or by mail to 605 N 6th St, Lafayette, IN 47901.

However you give, your gift will impact the lives of women and children, today and in the future. Your gift to the YWCA Foundation will help to meet the needs of families in the Greater Lafayette community.

The Win Hentschel Award

Every year, the Foundation honors one person with the Win Hentschel Distinguished Service Award.  This award is given to the Foundation volunteer who most exemplifies the leadership, spirit, and dedication that Win did during his many years of service to YWCA Foundation.

The Win Hentschel Award, Social Justice, YWCA Greater Lafayette